The stupidest thing was to put that darn shower gel on my legs thinking it was lotion. today it feels like there are mini fires building up towards a medley of itchiness spreading everywhere that urges scratching away skin for hours the way a song builds up to epic movie climatic proportions of direct misery and pleasure all at once.

Clumsy Enough to Fall For Anything We'll Stumble On Our Words
10:21 PM CST

The black box installation happened as planned yesterday, but the guy came around 3pm after I was done talking on the phone with grandma, still in my pjs therefore I didn't get to wear anything pretty. it didn't matter cause I didn't directly speak to him and really, what does he care. mom kept coming in the room to ask exactly where I wanted it, so I mumbled the instructions of not sticking it on top of the tv. somehow it seems like bad feng shui. where it ended up being placed wasn't much better, but at least it's offset from the tv. now it sits on the top of the mini cd shelf with the wires stretching to the outlet my clock shares. it's a rather omniumgatherum* of wires; interlacing and reaching towards one source. I wonder if the wires have trapped my dreams cause I haven't had one since it was installed - probably not considering there were always wires, but it makes for a very dramatic conclusion, so the wire discussion wasn't for naught.

*I found this word in the dictionary and challenged myself to use it in a sentence, so there ya go

In case some of y'all didn't see what I said on the lj, the box (which cost $30) only has one of the three movie channels we previously viewed. really it seems like a waste - cable companies are evil. I now have to use three remotes to get everything to work and I have forgotten which is which at least once each time I went to watch tv. seriously, yo.

Maybe hitting myself in the head which caused the dead brain cell caused the forgetfulness of which remote is for what, but really, keeping track of one remote is enough of a hassle! the one remote doesn't turn the tv off, the one doesn't turn the dvd player on, the one doesn't get the movie channel, the one cannot be used to flip channels unless it's to get to the special dvd player and game channels. yessuh I get confused. to get a different box with the digital cable package, it would cost a downpayment of $100 which seems steep to have the same stuff we had before (which only cost around $60; it's still a minor difference when we shouldn't even have movie channels on our budget as is; blargh).

The box isn't getting me as upset as it should though. perhaps it hasn't sunk in that soon the other movie channels won't be had anymore though. no more cinemax porn! no more Queer as Folk! what is the world coming to, yo?? at least I'll get Sex and the City when it returns. perhaps I should start watching other series to get my money's worth like erm, Taxi Cab Confessions ..whatever that is. I got an email last week sayin' it was coming back with a new season though, so maybe. I think I recall hearing it was real people being taped riding in cabs confessing erm stuuuufff; fuuuun - and self explanitory if that is really what it is all about. this really discredits my whole wire motif paragraph. I am not truely educated; at least not past fifth grade natch.


Yesterday my skull felt like it split in two. I spent most my time in bed reading with my collection of Trembling Blue Stars albums playing in the background. it was quite nice actually. this book is making me cry, too, but that isn't a big surprise. most my books make me cry at least once - even the funny ones. it was at the part where the dad sobs into her sheets and tells his son to come over to him and wraps him in the sheets still crying that got me. it has its funny bits, too like 'all I kept thinking was he is from england' ..bwah! anyway, for the record, I'm reading The Lovely Bones. I highly suggest picking it up if you haven't already. I've reached chapter ten. hopefully I'll finish it in the next couple weeks or sooner if I have another whole reading afternoon/evening event.


My head is hurting abit even now; I'm rather sore yet less queasy after my soup (wedding - apparently there is a Progresso wedding soup as well according to grandma, but I haven't tried it yet to compare). hopefully whatever is causing this pain goes away soon. I hate feeling like a lump of misery - especially after I told grandma how I had been feeling better than usual in comparison to dad who seems to always be sick lately. there went karma kicking me in the ass numero uno! next door sounded dead today. it made me think about the kid wishing he'd roll the truck across the deck one last time as crazy as that seems.


Grandpa is coming to visit February eleventh which was news to me. he said he could get me a ticket to return home with him if I wanted, but I don't think it's a good idea considering lindsey is back in school and it would probably be a repeat of last time. I always fear the worst per usual. it's probably this sick feeling that has me thinking this considering I was always feeling ill and panicked over there last time and even when grandpa came here back in '01, I was being a bitch and panicked yet again not to go anywhere. I want to seem happier this time, but this isn't a good omen so far. I don't see why I have to prove anything though cause it's not like he's coming to visit directly to analyse my progress. I'm sure he will play golf with dad or some other activity of the sort considering he's bringing Uncle Sammy with him. they'll probably do stuff and just stop by here every so often to say 'hi'. at least I don't *think* they're staying here. it is weird grandma isn't coming. boohoo. I could have asked for a haircut before I get a professional one done. I truely am hating my hair again. I start to hate it whenever it gets a few inches past my shoulders. maybe next time, I'll have it cut an inch or two above, so it won't grow past the safe length as fast.


Chat hasn't been open in a couple days. slightly lonely, but not feeling well enough to seem friendly. not that people ever message me on weekends. it's a good thing to stay away. dvds sound like a plan.

Previous . Next


Aëka! :D

*massages your head until you feel better*... Headaches are the pits. I've had one most of today... I'm hoping you feel better soon. :)

I definitely know about feeling lonely but not feeling lonely enough to want to chat; I've been like that for a while lately.

I did want to tell you about how you've got me hooked on Achewood :D I loved Philippe's thoughts when he thought he got the petunia pregnant by touching it ("The Touch-Me-Not! Petunia! *Diabetes!*"... LOL, diabetes?!) And Ray is... weird :b "You gotta dance like there's @$$ in your pants!"

I've been reading some stuff I checked out from the library; "Coming Into The Country" by John McPhee is a pretty good book about Alaska and some of the wacky/unique folks who live there :) Next up is probably "Alone" by Robert E. Byrd; he spent like six months in Antarctica back in the '30s (or thereabouts) and that book is his account of how it went -- I read it when I was 15 but felt like reading it again :)

I hope your evening gets better. :)


- 01.18.2003 11:12 PM - Yansa


Thank you :)
yessuh, I haven't had a headache in awhile, but indeed they are. usually I have to actually sleep to get rid of one. I had one yesterday, it was gone then it returned later which well, proves my method works, but nonetheless, I still could suffer again :)

Aw, yeah. really, the not wanting to chat bit is just cause I wasn't feeling well. the loneliness is just a nagging thing that has been going on for weeks; put the blame on "her", but I think it's just cause I was feeling ignored whether on chat or not. I think it's all in my head actually, but ya know, still sort've valid.

w00t to the achewood love! I just posted in their forum the other day about how no one I showed it to "got" it. it wasn't the right type of humour or drawing style was the usual response. only mom "got" it and now you do, so hurrah!
this one is my favourite. I have the book and whenever mom is depressed or babbly, I show it to her and she goes "awwww" and is instantly cheered up. I think it has to do with the way the cowboy hats smoosh together as they embrace :)

Ah, those sound interesting. probably next on my list to read would be another Murakami book cause I'm not-so-secretly obsessed! I have two more I haven't read saved up from this past summer. after that, I have a billion more books in queue ..I was about to buy another, too but I haven't yet. the Eggers book. yeah. I spent my money on cds instead. :)

- 01.19.2003 04:47 AM - Amber


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